A growing body of research demonstrates the benefits of using low-residue diets with colonoscopy preparation. Scroll down for a selection of articles from recent years.


Low-residual diet versus clear-liquid diet for bowel preparation before colonoscopy: meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of randomized controlled trials

Patients using a low-residue diet during prep achieved the same or better results than those using a clear liquid diet.


Anxiety Associated with Colonoscopy and Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: A Systematic Review

The traditional prep process is a primary source of anxiety for patients when considering colonoscopy. Eliminate this hurdle by offering Happy Colon Foods to reduce side effects and increase patient comfort.


PEG-3350, Senna and Solid Food Based Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy Appears Safe, Effective and Well Tolerated

Happy Colon Foods demonstrated an average BBPS of 8 and achieved 98% successful preps in an observational study of 546 patients.

Comparing the Real-World Effectiveness of Competing Colonoscopy Bowel Preparations: Results of a Prospective Trial

With exception of only two prescription preps, OTC and prescription prep regimens all yield the same outcomes when instructions are followed.

The Impact of Diet Liberalization on Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy

The facts are in: low-residue diets are not inferior to clear liquid, and result in higher patient satisfaction.